Heart of the Hill
It's more than just a playfield
It's a place of community
It's more than just a playfield
It's a place of community
For more than ten years, the city of Seattle has been promising improvements to West Queen Anne Playfield (aka Big Howe) and now the time has come. Starting next year, Seattle Parks and Recreation will begin the planning phase to resurface the lower field of Big Howe with synthetic turf. The hope is to have this project completed sometime in 2026.
We want to take advantage of the fact the city will be resurfacing the lower field and piggy back on their resources to resurface the upper field (QA3) but we need your help and that's why we're running this capital fundraising campaign. For too long, the fields in Queen Anne had been neglected by the city and now we have an opportunity to create first-class playfields for our community.
Our ultimate goal is to raise $4 to $5 million dollars. Our hope is not just to improve the playing surface but to improve the entire area around QA3 including building concrete seating on the west slope (along the 3rd baseline), installing an electronic scoreboard, and a storage shed behind home plate so that we don't have maintenance equipment strewn along the edge of the fields.
Throughout the fundraising campaign, we will be offering several opportunities to participate and contribute including merchandise sales. We are also working on various avenues of giving including: annual pledges, corporate matching funds, donation of stocks, etc.
If you are not already subscribed to the Queen Anne Little League Facebook page, please do so to get the latest updates.
For those who would like to make a direct contribution to Heart of the Hill, you can do so through our ZEFFY account. You can choose to make one single payment or pledge multiple payments over an extended period of time.
You can follow the link below or scan the QR code.
Amplify your dollars! Many employers will match your cash donations and some will even pay for volunteer hours.
To learn more about how you can participate in our fundraising project please reach out.
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